If you’re searching for little girl pearl earrings, you’ve certainly come to the right place. Pearls carry significant meaning. From reflecting the innocence of youth to holding value as a family heirloom, which can be passed down from generation to generation.
Today, pearls signify wealth, elegance, and social status. A bride often wears real pearls on her wedding day in decades. Pearl jewelry is thought to bring luck and prosperity, which is why pearls will never go out of fashion!
What is a Baroque Pearl, you ask? Simply put they are pearls that have an irregular, non-spherical shape to them. Unlike the precious pearls one would find in typical pearl jewelry, these are quite characters. They come in many shapes and sizes. Because of their irregular shapes and sizes, they make very interesting jewelry pieces. Like the women who choose to wear Baroque Pearls, they are all unique and original. Each one with its own character, if you will.